Just passed my 22 years old birthday...... celebrated with ones of my buddies at
Quattro ~~
This article especially for them.....
Ones of my buddy, Miss Step.....

The middle one is my buddy's cousin sister, We know each other on that day, then she come to my bday party too , tq so much......
Miss Penny......
1st time i saw her make up, this is real ! You look beautiful at the nite, honestly...
My beauty expert at the nite, she is my buddy too..... Miss Eiko..... tq so much....
This is my cutie buddy Miss Kay......
Drank my fill at the nite, full of black label ~~
Till drunk......
These bday cake by Shangri-La Hotel, bought from them. Miss Eiko & Miss Kay WALKED to buy this cake for me... I'm very touching of two of them, tq my dearest soh poh....

Make a wish......
Miss Step.... where are u going to ?
Two of them are kissing me........ i love yours kiss.... XD
The only one guy in the nite, thank you... :)

Those guys treated us Tequila & Chivas althought they not really recognise us..... tq ya......
Black Label + Tequila + Chivas = wing & blur lol....... DRUNK.....
Finally, appreciated to all of you are attended to my party at that nite.........
This is special for Miss Cheris :
My dear... It is a pity that you missed the party, next time u should be attend ya.....
This unforgotten & perfect moment with u all..... :)